|  | Support > Versions List of recent StarCaster versionsList of abbreviations used

Version: | 7.01b | top | next > | Release: | Feb-16-2011 | | Signature: | ca23-3258 | |
16:09:54 Wed 02-16-2011 Bug in Multi-Month Viewer (ORDPu09). Running
out of HEAP storage (not a bug), but not issuing the designed NICE
error message and RT erroring out (THAT'S the bug!)
(1) Bug found and fixed
(2) Increased HEAP by 60,000 bytes [plenty of HEAP to spare]
Found by a valued StarCaster client!
 [ top ]
Version: | 7.01a | < prev | top | next > | Release: | May-25-2010 | | Signature: | 68c6-815c | |
10:27:25 Wed 03-17-2010 Change in ASCII export: The cart is no
longer required to be a number. Old behavior was to right-justify and
pad cart; and if the cart began with an alpha, it would translate to
00000. Now the cart is taken as-is, left-justified, padded on right
with spaces. [I believe this was a hold-out due to Prophet's cart
19:46:31 Thu 05-13-2010 Removed integrated DCS export since
D_DCS.EXE is now available.
20:00:23 Thu 05-13-2010 Ability to send part of the CO-OP field (up
to 10 chars only) in the AGENCY EST NO field.
14:45:46 Thu 02-18-2010 An obscure (but fatal) bug when adding the
very first account/order on a WinXP box, to local drive C:. This bug
doesn't affect existing users who already have accounts & orders
 [ top ]
Version: | 7.00 | < prev | top | next > | Release: | Jul-23-2008 | | Signature: | 0426-8ca8 | |
The main focus of this release is to add e-invoice capability. From your
existing invoices, you can generate an "export" file to be uploaded into
SpotData's system, much like you'd create an export file from your existing
logs to be loaded into your digital audio system.
= New program. Allows for creating account export files (specifically,
SpotData e-invoices).
= New program: ACCX (Account Export)
= Ability to enter IDB values for Agencies (for SpotData export). If an
agency has an IDB value, it will cause ACCX to generate an invoice.
= Added system file EINVOICE.TXT in the View File utility. Contains the
results of the last e-invoice export generation.
= Re-worded renew key reminder (MENUu01). It now refers to RenewKey.com
as the place for Statements and renew keys.
= The Agency IDB (AGENCY.DB2) is utilized. If an Agency has an IDB
value, its 'paper' status is printed below the header, but above the
ad content.
= When viewing invoices on-screen, the agency name is now displayed at
the top, moving the co-op to the right.
= MAKE-GOODs may now be specified to appear on invoices (functionally
equivalent to BONUS ads).
18:55:12 Fri 03-07-2008
= Fixed three bugs concerning database entry...pesky buggers.
17:13:39 Tue 12-18-2007 Program would fail if TEMP\ didn't exist.
TEMP\ is now autocreated if necessary.
 [ top ]
Version: | 6.60c | < prev | top | next > | Release: | Aug-29-2007 | | Signature: | 89b3-2cdb | |
17:22:32 Tue 08-14-2007 NEW PROGRAM This utility replaces
XUPDATE.EXE. It's called from the Main Menu:Util/File/Install. It's
main advantage is that upgrades will now be offered via download
(RenewKey.com), or from CD-ROM.
18:06:19 Mon 07-23-2007 Within the NET RETRY message, I put the
Extended Error code after the filename.
11:12:56 Mon 07-30-2007 Changed the 'necessary to re-start' message.
No longer refers to a Command prompt...just says to re-start 'as you
normally do.'
10:17:22 Wed 08-29-2007 Digital Signature added in the About box, as
well as ability to calculate the currently-installed signature
(which should match with the embedded signature).
15:46:01 Wed 07-25-2007 In OpenFile(), added a CommitFile() call
right after the Rewrite(). This is essential as it re-opens the file
using the INTENDED filemode (Rewrite() ALWAYS uses filemode 2).
14:10:54 Thu 07-26-2007 Fixed problem with hotkeys from
Options(EDIT) not working while the Options window is opened.
12:53:47 Sat 07-28-2007 Fixed two anomalies in printing logs:
(1) The end-of-hour marker was not advancing to a new line.
(2) There was no formfeed/flushprinter at the end of a print job.
17:20:31 Tue 08-14-2007 Fixed the _StickyDate. It was being altered
if an existing credit was being edited. Should only have been
used/altered during NEW credit additions.
 [ top ]
17:50:31 Wed 06-13-2007
= Renew key entry forced back to upper-case. Since I'm issuing keys
in uppercase, makes no sense to force to lower. This reverts back
to its previous behavior, thus reversing the mod made on
7/9/2005, in MENU[6.60]. Also put renew key entry into an obvious
'on-top' window.
= Expanded the Utility/About box to show that the support phone
number goes to New Jersey, and is Eastern time.
16:47:55 Mon 06-18-2007 Removed the digital audio systems from the
list of systems for which I have created the stand-alone utility.
19:36:04 Fri 03-16-2007 Under Configure:Header(or Footer), var
Choice was not being initialized, thus the default selection in
ColMenu was always the last entry. Made it a typed constant,
19:45:27 Thu 03-22-2007 Pressing Esc while editing the Aux info for
an agency would not release the lock on the Aux record, and thus go
into a race condition, i.e., freeze. This is fixed.
13:20:51 Thu 05-10-2007 Fixed 'nuisance' in ACCRu01.
 [ top ]
File no longer necessary. WorkPath (WKPath) now defaults to
\starcast\temp\. [doesn't hurt if it's still there]
14:55:09 Wed 07-20-2005 Removed SETPATHS.EXE. Paths are no longer
configurable. The WKPath now defaults to \starcast\temp\, and its
existence is checked each time SC is invoked. Nice thing is, a user
can simply remove this directory to clean up temp files (assuming no
one is in system).
12:17:41 Sun 05-08-2005 NEW PROGRAM
All digital audio exports are done here instead of within the
Log Editor.
20:51:28 Mon 04-12-2004 When adjustments are printing, it now shows
Acc#, AccName, and Description on the screen (i.e., I added the
If an invalid START DATE is entered, an error message is issued (and
the highlight stays on the field).
16:41:11 Fri 08-04-2006 Added a Daypart Revenue code for each
22:38:58 Tue 09-05-2006 New report: Daypart Revenue. Shows dollars
from ads+adjustments in desginated day/hour ranges.
22:43:31 Thu 04-15-2004 Reversed the intensity of the NET RETRY
message to make it more prominent.
21:13:31 Mon 04-19-2004 In all units that have init code, I report
it at the VERY beginning for diagnostic purposes.
21:13:57 Mon 04-19-2004 If an incorrect password is entered, I now
delay a full second based on the timing of the PC (just like
21:32:01 Mon 04-19-2004 Network code scrutinized.
17:35:46 Fri 08-06-2004 Version/release are now embedded within the
copr.exe file (i.e., no longer depend on file times/dates for
17:36:51 Fri 08-06-2004 [4.10] Correctly extracts version/release
from copr.exe.
13:36:03 Wed 01-11-2006 [4.11] Compiles in VER/REL structure from a
separate include file.
13:34:38 Wed 01-11-2006 The CreateTempFile() function now uses the
same TEMP directory as StarCaster (i.e., \STARCAST\TEMP).
22:45:42 Sat 07-09-2005 Renew key entry forced to lower-case.
22:57:35 Sat 07-09-2005 The Edit A/R option from the command
line has been removed. ACCM has that functionality.
15:35:51 Tue 01-10-2006 Removed SETDAS since this functionality is
now in LOGX.
16:36:41 Wed 03-05-2003 Mistakenly removed F10 as an exitkey in
EXPIRING ORDERS. Hence, you couldn't print the report.
Fixed problem with F10 not printing labels.
Fixed problem with F10 not printing labels.
16:15:06 Thu 04-15-2004 Added LockRec/Region calls in database
editor to alleviate problems in sharing the databases.
16:15:06 Thu 04-15-2004 Added LockRegion call to alleviate problems
in sharing the databases.
20:35:46 Thu 04-15-2004 Proc GetDatabase() now performs a refresh
(since refreshing is now safer).
23:02:06 Mon 04-19-2004 Reviewed the order removal process. Added
ExecErrors where appropriate.
In removing expired orders, I changed the FileMode in the
files-that-exist to R/W, as opposed to R/O. Since the Deny mode is
ALL, I may as well go R/W. More secure.
Also, it appears that I wasn't refreshing the .IDX file after
gaining "RW/All" access. This is fixed.
Removing individual orders has been reviewed and approved (tweaked
where necessary).
12:18:35 Wed 01-11-2006 Fixed FORCE BUILD flag from being stuck on
if a force build yielded no results.
 [ top ]
15:30:31 Wed 12-25-2002
= If a Multi-Month report separates the stations, the TOTALS
line will also show totals separated by station.
= If an Order/Log Combined report separates the stations,
the TOTALS line will also show totals separated by station.
17:28:19 Mon 12-30-2002
= The EXPIRING ORDERS report may now be sorted.
12:41:52 Sun 01-05-2003 The File sizes dialog now shows file dates
(most, not all).
18:11:31 Tue 01-21-2003 Integrated the Edit A/R (hit F5 from the
ACCM menu and enter your signon password).
19:05:35 Sun 02-02-2003 There was a problem when removing an
account. When the program would scan the COPY\HEADER files, I was not
using RecsRead in the appropriate section. [It was used in one and
not the other. See ACCMu02, FoundOrNoAccess] I also put in the
FindFirst() call the flags to omit Hidden, SysFile, and VolumeID
11:50:47 Sun 01-12-2003 When selecting to edit a log, you may now
choose from the list of existing logs by hitting F9.
17:05:33 Fri 01-24-2003 You may now specify an 'age' for finance
charge incurment.
You may now hit F9 to search for text (^L to repeat last find).
18:48:24 Mon 02-10-2003
= You may now View an existing label file (in its raw
pipe-delimited format).
= When viewing the LIST of label files, the modified date and size
in bytes are now shown.
21:47:06 Mon 02-10-2003 An individual mailing label may be printed
while editing an account (F10/Label).
15:53:02 Tue 02-11-2003 While in the Filter View, you can hit Enter
on a credit to edit it.
17:51:31 Tue 02-11-2003 You can now Search for an adjustment, keying
on account number, name, or description.
16:26:33 Mon 02-17-2003 You can hit Enter while in the Ads window to
view an invoice.
17:56:45 Mon 02-03-2003 Fixed a typo. And the PREP EXTENDED message
in Bill Hist wasn't being removed.
The dates of the A/R files are checked for recency when requesting to
process an existing statement file.
A station is reporting that their SYSTEM.CFG file is getting doubled
in size. I'm unable to duplicate the problem. However, in areas where
SYSTEM.CFG is updated, it now Truncates the file to 0 first, then
writes the Config record. [As of 18:48:57 Mon 02-10-2003, this
problem has still not been duplicateable, so it's hopeful that the
above Truncate() will solve it. The only other suspicion is that there
is a rogue third-party application that is doing this. Could be a
 [ top ]
Users need to reconfigure their LOGE print parameters.
NOTE! Users of 6.40b *only* MUST exit SC entirely, go to a command
prompt, change to SC's directory, and type program\xupdate. The problem
is the fact that RADIO.EXE in 6.40b keeps itself open (and won't allow
This release primarily doubles the number of orders and accounts, and
frees up approx. 151K of conventional RAM by moving these pointers to
EXTENDED memory.
When an 8-alphanumeric confirmation code is required, you may now
press Ctrl+F9 to bypass it.
14:45:39 Fri 09-06-2002 Databases are now in their own unit X_DBS,
and are handled equivalently to X_ORD and X_ACC. There was an inherent
problem in passing an instantiated object. That is, virtual method
calls would cause the system to hang. Fortunately, I wasn't using any.
But, it's now taken care of properly.
16:18:36 Fri 08-16-2002 When selecting to print a single
confirmation, you may now view the order on-screen before printing.
16:41:41 Fri 08-16-2002 Statements now include an ATTN: line (if one
15:38:20 Wed 08-21-2002
= Ability to collate the log printout. As a consequence, I had to
remove the 'Page xx' designation in the header (too cumbersome
to figure out page numbers...not worth it).
= Added "END" markers on each hour printout.
= Each station may now have its own digital export path.
10:30:50 Thu 08-22-2002
= Option of printing the order number instead of the 'note' field.
13:44:50 Tue 08-27-2002
= Graphic representation of order usage, along with a
recommendation if orders are >=90% full.
13:44:50 Tue 08-27-2002
= Graphic representation of account usage, along with a
recommendation if accounts are >=90% full.
14:49:26 Wed 08-28-2002
= Graphic representation of log usage, along with a
recommendation if outdated logs are >=80% of total logs.
13:44:50 Tue 08-27-2002
= Graphic representation of copy usage, along with a
recommendation if copy files are >=90% full.
15:01:00 Fri 09-06-2002
= Renew key entered via Utility / About, and is done in 5-char
chunks...less prone to errors.
= Enhanced renew key message. Passes keypress to Menu. Disappears
after 15 seconds.
19:25:08 Mon 09-09-2002 New XB/XR.EXE. Features listed in source.
19:25:12 Mon 09-09-2002 Parameter change in XB.EXE required a change
17:13:13 Thu 09-26-2002 When selecting to print, if no credits match
the criteria, an error message informs as such.
17:52:00 Thu 09-26-2002 When selecting to print, if no adjustments
match the criteria, an error message informs as such.
14:11:33 Thu 08-15-2002 Bug in Account List when choosing to
sequence by account type (it was ANDing with $1F..should have been
17:55:43 Thu 08-15-2002 TotalCP was erroneous if there was no
COPY.IDX. Fixed.
VIEW[system utility]
Wasn't setting the filemode to ReadOnly/None. Therefore, if I was
viewing a file from Menu:Util/File/View, and I attempted to AltV the
same file, I'd get a "162 Hardware Failure" error. Fixed.
 [ top ]
This release is a maintenance release (bug fixer until I get 6.50 done).
NOTE! Users of 6.40b MUST exit SC entirely, go to a command prompt,
change to SC's directory, and type program\xupdate. The problem is the
fact that RADIO.EXE in 6.40b keeps itself open (and won't allow
17:09:04 Thu 07-11-2002 I removed the overlays from RADIO.EXE.
[For some reason, it abends after entering the sign-on with
an "Overlay not loaded" error if running Win 3.1, MS-DOS window.]
11:23:22 Sat 07-13-2002 The other problem is in installing SC
upgrades. If RADIO.EXE uses overlays, then it keeps itself OPEN, thus
not letting me install a new RADIO.EXE!
17:06:51 Thu 07-11-2002 Overflow problem in computing tax. Fixed.
16:05:42 Thu 06-27-2002 Minor oversight in the Cart List report. I
had "if abs(exitkey)=exitkey...", instead of "=Esc".
[15:08:48 Mon 07-01-2002 Snuck in the 6.40b frozen version]
 [ top ]
Users must reconfigure their LOGG optimization parameters.
Hours may be shifted forward/backward.
Ads within an hour may be shifted forward/backward (or more
intuitively, down/up).
The Bump list may be sorted using several keys, ascending or
descending (settings preserved in LOG\LOGESORT.CFG).
Intra/Interlog Bookmarks are now implemented. Use (.) to set;
Backspace to return.
{6.40b} Product codes will span hours only if the log was generated as
such. An undocumented key CTRL+F6 will toggle. The phrase 'SpanHours'
will appear in the lower-right of the editor window.
{6.40b} The 'F10/digital audio export' option is no longer grayed out
if a default digital audio system has not been specified.
{6.40b} The Warnings indicator is now displayed on WinDesk. Since this
is a global variable, it was not updating all windows' headers (if
{6.40b} The error message is more descriptive when specifying a log
that's unavailable from the Menu. If a log is not found, it "doesn't
exist". If it's being used elsewhere, it's noted as such.
17:21:27 Sun 04-21-2002 {6.40b} MusicMaster from A-Ware log export
utility added. Actually, it's a standalone program available from
16:13:39 Tue 04-30-2002 {6.40b} Support for BONUS ads.
You may View the list of orders that are "expired" (in relation to the
ON or BEFORE date).
{6.40b} Cleaned up the 'DIAG:File sizes' window. Added the option of
rebuilding tables if a problem is found.
{6.40b} The rebuild Object will now remove extraneous bytes from
ORDER.DTA, if necessary.
{6.40b} Re-tooled File Sizes to be in kind like LOGM. Scan/fix
available to folks with no permission to delete orders (they just
can't hit Del to delete). Removed 'Rebuild tables' from the Menu.
You may now print invoices using dual-window envelopes.
You may now print statements using dual-window envelopes.
10:51:05 Wed 04-17-2002 Added a Confirm dialog if Prep is requested
to cancel.
17:55:46 Wed 04-17-2002 You can now process the last prepared
statements. If certain key files are changed AFTER the file date of
the last prepared statements, a warning as such will be issued (i.e.,
you don't have to worry about recency).
MENU[6.40.3] {6.40b}
The TAX.CFG file is now programatically configurable.
You can now view the last OPTIMIZE.LOG file from Utility/File/View
Changed the 'unavail' prompt to not give would-be hackers a reason
(for hacking).
12:53:34 Tue 03-05-2002 Re-worked Utility/File/View file. There is
now a separate dialog for StarCaster system files. As such, I added
the ability to view the last order duplicate analysis.
15:54:56 Tue 03-05-2002 The CBP is now displayed at the top-right,
instead of the current sign-on. The current sign-on is now displayed
in the About box.
19:29:20 Fri 04-05-2002 You can change network timing protocols.
ORDE[6.40] {6.40b}
You may now copy flights (STANDARD & WEEKLY-type only). Shift+C to
copy; Shift+I to insert.
You may now reload an order after editing, restoring it back to its
original state (F10/Reload order).
Support for BONUS ads.
14:06:55 Wed 05-22-2002 You may now print an order confirmation
while editing an order (F10/Print).
16:49:26 Wed 05-29-2002 Increased the Grid cell width by 1 character
due to BONUS spots.
ACCE[6.40] {6.40b}
The secondary address/e-mail address may now be configured via
F10/Secondary address.
17:51:19 Mon 03-11-2002 You may now specify banking information
(F10/Bank) for each account.
20:26:16 Tue 04-09-2002 While editing an existing account, you may
print its information in its entirety (F10/Print). This will include
the secondary address/e-mail and bank information.
ACCR[6.40] {6.40b}
In the Account List report, you may now specify to print the Secondary
ACCR[6.40.1] {6.40b}
Cleaned up all the prompts.
ACCC[6.40] {6.40b}
Ability to view credits via a Filter.
Made the DEPOSIT DATE sticky.
Re-couped 14K of RAM by setting the WinOpenf object as an Overlay.
Cosmetic changes.
ACCC[6.40.1] {6.40b}
When adding an Applied credit, if an account is not found, it returns
back to the 'Select Station' window, as opposed to back out to the
main screen.
ACCC[6.40.2] {6.40b}
In the Filter View, you can now view credits sorted by Deposit Date,
with sub-totals given on-screen for each grouping. This eliminates the
need to print to a file, and then going to the Main Menu to view the
file. Real handy for reconciling with the deposit slips.
ORDC[6.40] {6.40b}
If no carts are specified for a specific flight, the program will
replace the 'Total Cost: ' line with a note that there are no carts
specified. [A station called with this 'problem'. With this 'note' in
place, stations will know what's happening.]
LOGG[6.40] {6.40b}
Inter-hour product code checking is now an option.
When a log is done generating, you can view the OPTIMIZE.LOG file, if
appropriate, before proceeding to LOGE.
RADIO {6.40b}
Implemented overlays to recoup 3K RAM that was lost when I implemented
the Str2Hex algorithms.
CPYM[6.40] {6.40b}
Enhanced the 'Diag:File sizes' utility. It now counts the number of
header files and compares it with the number of recs in the index
file. Also, if the index file has erroneous bytes, this is reported.
And if there is a problem, user has option to fix immediately.
LOGM[6.40] {6.40b}
Enhanced the 'Diag:File sizes' utility. Extraneous bytes are removed
from LOGFACE.DTA, if necessary. LOGFACE.STD gets re-initialized to
ZERO if it's not the right size. User has the option to rebuild files
immediately if a problem is found.
ACCM[6.40] {6.40b}
Much improved file diagnostics. General clean-up. Cosmetic changes,
consistent with other Maintenance programs.
When changing sales reps, you may now select which stations to change.
ACCA[6.40] {6.40b}
Added a vertical separator in the main window between the account NAME
and the adjustment DESCRIPTION (easier to read).
Added a two-line display option: "F10/Lines per adjustment" This is
saved in a new config file, ACCOUNT\ACCA.CFG.
LABELS[6.40] {6.40b}
Added a 'Labels per page' config switch. The problem was that certain
label sizes (Av:8162 for example) would not cause page-type printers
to formfeed at the right location. Now, you can specify how many
labels per page and the program will FormFeed appropriately. [Since
I'm not using an Initialize field, I just stole one byte from it so I
don't have to re-format existing label configurations.]
You may now specify that an account's Secondary address be used for
labels (if one exists). If there is no Secondary address, the Primary
is used. When the Primary is used, it prints the Attention, Name, and
3 address lines. When the Secondary is used, it prints the Name and 4
address lines.
ORDP[6.40] {6.40b}
Support for BONUS ads.
CPYR[6.40] {6.40b}
Support for BONUS ads.
General clean-up.
The screen saver timer has been changed to use the system's clock. Now
the message plots on a line at a time, with a 2-second delay. This is
to make the screen saver looks correct on fast computers.
FVIEWER {6.40b}
The FView object now allocates what memory it can (as opposed to
trying to allocate for 9999 lines).
DISKDIR2 {6.40b}
The total number of files and bytes found is now displayed on the
bottom END marker.
There was a possible memory corruption condition that would occur if I
hit the limit of _MaxList. If I was in Overflow mode, I was STILL
creating the END marker, which would have been 1 var PAST the
allocated limit. Now, I pre-allocate 2 additional entries: 1 for a
possible manually-created PARENT-DIR entry, and 1 for the mandatory
END marker.
When setting the SORT keys within Order/Account selector windows, you
can now press Del to remove the sort key. Enter still toggles, but Del
removes only.
{6.40b} Any time the program asks for an 8-digit long-hex confirmation
code, the user can press a bypass key, Ctrl+F9. This is identical to
typing in the 8-digit code and pressing Enter. This will remain an
undocumented feature for security reasons.
{6.40b}BONUS ads may be specified. They are functionally identical to
The Order Viewer displayed garbage if an order didn't have a flight.
Also, if no carts existed, the GetKey() was not UpKey'ing the result.
15:22:15 Tue 04-16-2002 Changed the loop contraint in function
CONTROL.TotalStations from _MaxStations to NumOfStations. Problem is
in ACCS, sometimes there are lingering bits in the configuration
section causing a miscount.
ORDM[6.40.1] {6.40b}
There were problems discovered in three different sections of the
Rebuild Table object concerning Wheel orders. These are fixed.
[Actually, it must be a testament as to how many folks use Wheel
orders. This should have cropped up earlier.]
CPYE[6.40] {6.40b} [11:24:54 Mon 02-25-2002 I *snuck* this in the 6.40a
frozen version.]
On entry, TotalCP would be undefined if no IDX existed. Fixed.
ORDC[6.40] {6.40b}
There was a problem detecting if carts should be shown as COMBO.
Problem would occur if the first cart was NULL, and the second cart
was non-null. Fixed.
ORDE[6.40.1] {6.40b}
There was a problem detecting if carts should be shown as COMBO.
Problem would occur if the first cart was NULL, and the second cart
was non-null. Fixed.
LOGG[6.40] {6.40b}
Discovered a minor flaw with spots with multiple product codes.
Program wasn't properly verifying (ForwardVerify/BackwardVerify).
MENU[6.40.1] {6.40b}
20:44:48 Tue 03-05-2002 The RESTORE dialog should not have allowed
the ZIP file name to be blank if a person was restoring from a local
drive. This is fixed.
17:10:45 Sun 04-21-2002 {6.40.4} There wasn't an option to restore
TEXT files. This is fixed.
ACCS[6.40.1] {6.40b}
14:10:06 Tue 04-16-2002 In the Statement Summary, if a user specified
a subset of the stations in the report, incorrect statements would
print. Fixed.
It was not restoring TEXT\ files. Fixed.
 [ top ]
There was a bug in the Billing History report. It would not take into
account sales tax on existing records. [If an account had yet to be
registered, it would add sales tax correctly. But if an account was
already registered, the line to increment the Sales Tax figure was
inadvertently omitted].
 [ top ]
ACCI[6.30.1] Jul-07-2000
There is a new Tax configuration switch. It determines whether tax is
computed on Net or Gross.
An agency's Commission Effect is now taken into consideration in the
Account Dollars and Invoice Listing reports.
BACKUP!/RESTORE![2.00] Jun-20-2000
The Periodic backup/restore programs now exclude the use of EMS.
 [ top ]
This upgrade renders all backup disks USELESS! The following files are
structurely modified:
ACCOUNT.IDX {the commission word is turned into one percentage}
Added a "Sales Tax" database (100 items).
Removed the ability to 'Ignore version' in the Restore dialog.
The Utility|About box now displays all licensed stations.
Increased size of AccountRec from 4,602 to 5,120.
Added a WebSite field, two E-mails, a secondary address, and a Tax ID
taken from a database.
The commission word was turned into one percentage.
Each adjustment now has a Taxable bit signifying whether or not the
adjustment is subject to sales tax.
Added a SALES TAX column to the printed report. It computes the amount
of sales tax that would have been paid based on the credit amount.
Formula: Tax=Amt*t/(1+t) ;where t is tax rate EG. if tax rate=10%,
then a $550 write-off would actually be writing off $500+$50 sales
tax. The report needs to reflect $50 as the sales tax that *was
already paid* to the govt. So, formula is: $550*0.1/(1.1)=$50.
Added sales tax functionality.
Re-compile. Cosmetic changes.
Added a hidden key to keep the date from being printed on the NET
Added the ability to key on Sales Tax within the BILLING HISTORY
Stand-alone program modified to handle Sales tax.
 [ top ]
Version: | 6.20a | < prev | top | Release: | Feb-11-2000 | |
There is a SmartCaster digital interface that's now available via
download from StarCaster.com. This is a stand-alone EXE with all the
instructions at the Web site.
LOGE[6.20] Feb-08-2000
Spot affidavit times may now be changed from within an INFO window.
Just start typing the number. After Enter is pressed, the time is
changed and the next spot is loaded in the window.
LOGE[6.10.2] Dec-21-1999
Modified the DCS export to allow 'commercials' to be played via the
log face within BLOCK structures. The TIME FIELD must have an
exclamation point as its only character. The EXPLANATION field must be
LOGE[6.10.1] Sep-15-1999
Modified the WaveStation export to accommodate 35 chars in the CART
field. While orders' carts are still 5 chars, it's possible to embed
in a log face guideline a digital command.
LOGE[6.10] Aug-30-1999
The generic ASCII export definition now left-justifies the account
number of all spots starting in column 26. [supposedly, this will make
it compatible with Selector]
ACCM[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Cleaned up the APPLIED credit window: displays MMMYY as MMM-YYYY.
Cosmetic changes.
When working with label configurations, you can now change
the default configuration.
Made the mini-prompts within the label configuration more descriptive.
ACCS[6.20] Feb-09-2000
You can now tag statements in the Statement Summary window, and
subsequently print just the tagged statements (useful for skipping
0-balance statements).
CODEBASE[2.00] Feb-11-2000
This program will now update CODEBASE.ZIP (as well as unzipping from
it). This is used in software upgrades.
BACKUP[4.00] Feb-11-2000
PKZIP 2.50 compatibility.
To save 32K RAM, the backup method is now SuperFast (-es).
Some users have reported EMS Failures. EMS has now been disabled (-+).
RESTORE[4.00] Feb-11-2000
PKZIP 2.50 compatibility.
Some users have reported EMS Failures. EMS has now been disabled (-+).
MENU[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Y2K:The File Viewer was reporting back the date incorrectly.
ACCM[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Y2K:There was a problem in unposting files. The _RJ+_PD NS modifier in
the file mask was in the wrong place. Everything else worked, with the
exception of the invoice files themselves not getting deleted from the
ACCN[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Y2K:Display errors in the proposed reports in Phase 4.
Cosmetic changes.
ACCR[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Y2K:Both the Billing History Detail and Credit History reports were
displaying 2000 incorrectly (100 and mmm- 0, respectively).
ACCS[6.20] Jan-27-2000
Y2K:Display problem of OPEN credits.
LOGE[6.20] Feb-06-2000
Signons that didn't have permission to change logs were still able to
load in different log faces. This is fixed.
ORDP[6.20] Feb-08-2000
There was a problem when specifying "All accounts" in the reports. The
program would only include accounts numbered up to 32767. This is
In selecting to print a MULTI-MONTH report in Quota style, the
'spanning' window incorrectly changed the values based on the display
offset. This is fixed.
 [ top ]
Version: | 6.10a | < prev | top | Release: | Jun-15-1999 | |
Removed the date preservation of the MAIN index file. This was causing
problems when an UN-posted file would get backed up. After it was
posted, it would NOT get backed up again during an INCREMENTAL backup.
Subsequently, the program now displays the time/date taken from the
INDEX file, displaying it as the BUILD date.
 [ top ]
