|  |
Downloadsupdated 10/01/19 03:15 pm Digital Audio Log Export Utilities | | ***July 28, 2008 - NOTICE — The details pop-up for the following utilities refers to v6.50c and older; specifically, the Download and Generate and Load sections. If you're running StarCaster v6.60a or newer, please follow the Usage instructions below.

| | Click the filename to download the utility. See the Usage instructions below (or click on the appropriate details link).

|  | PRODUCT | FILENAME | DETAILS | VER* | RELEASE* | SIZE | CRC-32 |  | AdTec Digital | d_adtec.exe | go | 1.10 | Nov-15-2005 | 36,720 | 552cce02 |  | Audio Vault | d_avault.exe | go | 1.00 | Oct-13-2005 | 32,560 | 4f87bf39 |  | Pristine CDS32 | d_cds32.exe | go | 1.20 | Jul-09-2005 | 36,160 | dc1cb5c7 |  | ControlReady by WireReady | d_cready.exe | go | 1.11 | Nov-03-2005 | 34,096 | 3d8359cf |  | Computer Concepts DCS | d_dcs.exe | | 1.00 | May-07-2010 | 43,552 | dea1b597 |  | Digilink by Arrakis | d_diglnk.exe | go | 1.01 | Feb-01-2006 | 33,856 | be4cf6a6 |  | Barcus Digital Juke Box | d_djbox1.exe | go | 1.01 | Oct-13-2004 | 27,360 | 2aca2211 |  | DAD by ENCO | d_encdad.exe | go | 1.02 | Jan-31-2006 | 33,552 | 88bf0512 |  | A-Ware Music Master | d_mmast1.exe | go | 1.00 | Apr-19-2002 | 31,056 | bcb9a758 |  | NexGen Digital | d_nexgen.exe | go | 1.02 | May-02-2005 | 34,992 | 073ac24e |  | Radio 5 Online | d_rfive1.exe | go | 1.00 | Nov-11-2004 | 27,440 | 84c79bfe |  | Format Sentry | d_sentry.exe | go | 1.00 | Jan-27-2006 | 34,016 | 4b3101a6 |  | Skylla by SMARTS Broadcast Systems | d_skylla.exe | go | 1.00 | Oct-01-2019 | 33,888 | d17a303a |  | SMARTS SmartCaster | d_smart1.exe | go | 2.00 | May-02-2005 | 34,176 | ca29f03a |  | UDS by On Air Digital | d_uds.exe | go | 1.00 | Jan-14-2006 | 33,648 | ebcd7172 |  | BSI WaveStation | d_waves.exe | go | 3.01 | May-02-2005 | 38,320 | 5be229f8 |
*The VERSION & RELEASE refer to DATASTAR's export utility and NOT that of the digital audio system. 
Usage (StarCaster v6.60a and newer): - Put the downloaded file in your
\starcast\program\ directory. - From StarCaster's Main Menu, select Log Export.
- Select Configure... to assign the DAS you just downloaded to each of your stations.

Usage (StarCaster v6.50c and older): - Put the downloaded file in your
\starcast\program\ directory. - From StarCaster's Main Menu, select Utility|Configure|User programs.
- Select Add to add a new entry.
- Under PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, enter an appropriate description.
- Under EXECUTABLE FILE: program\<filename>
- Leave the COMMAND LINE blank for now (see below).
- Under WAIT?: Yes
To see the command line options, you need to run the program with the /h option: - From StarCaster's Main Menu, hit Alt+O (for the OS Shell).
- From the command prompt, type:
program\<filename> /h - When finished viewing the options, type:
