StarCaster™ Broadcast Traffic and A/R Software
Native 16-bit, x86 architecture
Version 7.01b  (released Feb-16-2011)

NOTE! Our phone number has changed!
The new number is
(908) 397-6565



updated 10/01/19 03:15 pm
Digital Audio Log Export Utilities
 ***July 28, 2008 - NOTICE — The details pop-up for the following utilities refers to v6.50c and older; specifically, the Download and Generate and Load sections. If you're running StarCaster v6.60a or newer, please follow the Usage instructions below.
 Click the filename to download the utility. See the Usage instructions below (or click on the appropriate details link).
spacerAdTec Digital  d_adtec.exe  goPop-up window1.10 Nov-15-2005 36,720 552cce02
spacerAudio Vault  d_avault.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Oct-13-2005 32,560 4f87bf39
spacerPristine CDS32  d_cds32.exe  goPop-up window1.20 Jul-09-2005 36,160 dc1cb5c7
spacerControlReady by WireReady  d_cready.exe  goPop-up window1.11 Nov-03-2005 34,096 3d8359cf
spacerComputer Concepts DCS  d_dcs.exe 1.00 May-07-2010 43,552 dea1b597
spacerDigilink by Arrakis  d_diglnk.exe  goPop-up window1.01 Feb-01-2006 33,856 be4cf6a6
spacerBarcus Digital Juke Box  d_djbox1.exe  goPop-up window1.01 Oct-13-2004 27,360 2aca2211
spacerDAD by ENCO  d_encdad.exe  goPop-up window1.02 Jan-31-2006 33,552 88bf0512
spacerA-Ware Music Master  d_mmast1.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Apr-19-2002 31,056 bcb9a758
spacerNexGen Digital  d_nexgen.exe  goPop-up window1.02 May-02-2005 34,992 073ac24e
spacerRadio 5 Online  d_rfive1.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Nov-11-2004 27,440 84c79bfe
spacerFormat Sentry  d_sentry.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Jan-27-2006 34,016 4b3101a6
spacerSkylla by SMARTS Broadcast Systems  d_skylla.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Oct-01-2019 33,888 d17a303a
spacerSMARTS SmartCaster  d_smart1.exe  goPop-up window2.00 May-02-2005 34,176 ca29f03a
spacerUDS by On Air Digital  d_uds.exe  goPop-up window1.00 Jan-14-2006 33,648 ebcd7172
spacerBSI WaveStation  d_waves.exe  goPop-up window3.01 May-02-2005 38,320 5be229f8
*The VERSION & RELEASE refer to DATASTAR's export utility and NOT that of the digital audio system.
Usage (StarCaster v6.60a and newer):
  1. Put the downloaded file in your \starcast\program\ directory.
  2. From StarCaster's Main Menu, select Log Export.
  3. Select Configure... to assign the DAS you just downloaded to each of your stations.
Usage (StarCaster v6.50c and older):
  1. Put the downloaded file in your \starcast\program\ directory.
  2. From StarCaster's Main Menu, select Utility|Configure|User programs.
  3. Select Add to add a new entry.
  4. Under PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, enter an appropriate description.
  5. Under EXECUTABLE FILE: program\<filename>
  6. Leave the COMMAND LINE blank for now (see below).
  7. Under WAIT?: Yes
To see the command line options, you need to run the program with the /h option:
  1. From StarCaster's Main Menu, hit Alt+O (for the OS Shell).
  2. From the command prompt, type:  program\<filename> /h
  3. When finished viewing the options, type:   exit


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